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Donning her protective gear every morning, Asia Ashfaq musters strength for a hectic day ahead. She is a technologist at the Tehsil Head Quarter Hospital in Kamoki, Punjab. Like millions of doctors and health workers worldwide, Asia is also serving at the frontline to defeat coronavirus or COVID-19, while risking her own life.
“It is a difficult time for all of us. But we should not lose hope and do what is necessary; that includes practising social distancing and staying home for the safety of our loved ones,” says Asia.

A graduate of the TCF School in Minhala, Asia pursued a B.Sc Honours in Operation Theater Management before joining the hospital. Her father, who supported Asia throughout her journey is now retired from his job as physical training teacher at a Government school. TCF is extremely proud of Asia and applauds all healthcare workers who are working extremely hard every day to save lives.
By investing in education, we invest in peace and social resilience, making sure that young people have the right skills and competencies to find their place in society and contribute to the lives of others.